Like The Great Escape...minus the tunnels, of course!

Open Road

The open road....a myth if ever there was one!

Escape to Spain

To assume this was a well planned and thought through exercise is doing it a severe injustice. 

It wasn't! 

Like all major life changing decisions, it should be done in the cold clinical light of day, a balanced assessment of the pros and cons, a measured and calculated assessment of the situation, and a good night's sleep on it.


A few glasses of something alcoholic, another desparate attempt to balance the personal finances after another hugely expensive trip to Tesco for 3 days of meager supplies, and a flurry of WhatsApp messages pinging the phone with such regularity you could see the battery power indicator depreciating with free aplomb, and the game as afoot.

A friend had oh-so-kindly stepped up to the plate and offered us the use of her place in Spain in exchange for us meeting the running costs of the empty property, helping her out financially, and us by greatly reducing our overheads.

So there we sat, empty glasses of beer and wine, pondering what the hell we had just gotten ourselves into. A mix of elation and trepidation. An exciting decision. A leap into the unknown.

And so it was... Adios to Ol' Blighty and head south....a long way south.

And that's what this blog is going to be, the wife and the hairiest of beasts we loving refer to the as "The Butthead" (the dog) and how our alcoholic fuelled decision is panning out.

So kick back, enjoy these musings as I ramble through the pros, cons, and shear bloody mindedness of rash decision making and how things are coming together or coming apart.


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